Hallo again and goodbye...
At last, after nearly three months of silence, we are posting our final blog update covering Vietnam, China and Hong Kong!
At the end of the photographs we have listed a few statistics and biggest lessons learnt for those of you who have a taste for numbers and facts and closure (e.g. mileage, costs, biggest mind-shifts, tips for bikers, etc.).
Thank you for reading our bikingasia blog and for having been part of the journey. Deo volente there will be another…

Looking forward to your next journey...
2:14 AM
To Live, to Love and to leave a Legacy.
Congratulations you two stunning women! "Respect mon" as our Jamacan friends would say.
Wow! What an incredible journey. What a multitude of experiences: sensory, auditory, culinary, physical, emotional and spiritual all moulded and some engraved into your very beings over a period of 180 life-changing days. You surely are not the same two ladies that started the journey?
Dreaming a trip like this is easy but actually doing it is a totally different matter, enduring it and completing it make you unique and champions in my books.
Just reading your oepning comments "Say'yes' more often than you say 'no'", "passion for adventure....find rest in perpetual motion" immediately sets you apart from the average (normal!) woman and told me that just reading your story was going to be an inspirng couple of hours. Gillian I have met you so know you a little bit, you are a thoroughly professional woman, excellent at your job, friendly, fun-loving, the word "adventure" lights up your whole being. Erica I have only met you in your writings. My observations are that you are brilliant with words, philosophical, knowledgeable, also fun loving and a pocket dynamite?
I have really enjoyed your blog with its albums of pictures - it is true that a picture can say a thousand words: the haircuts!! you both look so different with long haior! But I do like the short hair. One of my fav pics is ..."battle against increasingly unruly hair". Didn't enjoy the pics of fried cockroaches, worms/snakes in soup and some of the other food you were brave enough to sample. I could almost smell the infamous Durian fruit- Yuk! Other pics were telling, like; bum-chafe - Eina! Soot covered faces; pushing bikes thru mud; the island getaways; the roads - the what?; and the rural areas still in their natural and rugged beauty all the way from Singapore to Hong Kong. All good visual aids that made me feel a part of your trip.
I have come away having been touched by your bravery, and the magnitude of your sucess. I sense that our Creator God has touched your souls in a way you are yet to discover and that his grace and favour abounded more than you realised. That while you thought your were doing all the receiving, you also gave something of your beautiful selves: a smile, a kind word; made someone laugh, made someone think, especially the women of the Far East who by and large are treated more as objects to be abused that the beautiful created beings with feelings that they are. You will never know if just the sight of your two women enjoying such freedom and loving life might have given hope to some poor imprisioned soul. You surely have chosen to live, to love and to leave a legacy.... I salute you.
The eternal youth in me says "I would love to do trip like that" but my geriatric body just groans! So I will travel with you on your next trip - with my eyes on the blog and on my knees in prayer. Till then....Dee
5:16 AM
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