It’s a tough life in Vietnam if you’re an animal or inanimate…A general lack of compassion for animals, the environment and even other people is a constant theme throughout South East Asia.
A pig squashed into a scooter-basket – often their backs are broken to ease the courier’s job

Dogs destined for the wok – some already dead, squashed against the wire-mesh

Cobras and scorpions drowned in rice wine – ‘it boosts your virility’ they say.

Chickens tied upside down by their feet, beaks scraping tar as they whiz by

Betting on bloody cock-fights – a national pastime

Coral reefs stripped for a pittance - the sad loot lining the coastal roads

Fossils do not escape the plunder – hundreds of ancient stalagmites and stalagtites for sale along the way.
In the coal-mining towns there is no attempt to contain air-pollution. Coal-dust hangs like a black veil in the air – covering everything and everybody in fine black soot.
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